Cessnock Hospitality Group (the Group) is excited to announce that today it has lodged a Development Application for a major redevelopment of Cessnock Leagues Club. The project will transform the venue into a modern and vibrant destination for entertainment, dining, and socialising, providing expanded services and facilities to cater for the growing needs and expectations of members and the wider Cessnock community.
“The proposed redevelopment of Cessnock Leagues Club is the result of extensive demographic and market research,” said Paul Cousins, CEO of Cessnock Hospitality Group.
“Our research highlighted the significant growth coming to Cessnock and the surrounding suburbs over the next decade or more, and this population growth will create strong demand for quality hospitality and leisure services in the region.”
The proposed redevelopment will significantly enhance the Club’s facilities and services with:
- an increase in the club’s seating capacity from 700 to almost 1400 seats,
- the addition of over 1,700 square meters of outdoor space,
- a significant expansion to the Club’s dining facilities, including the addition of a new restaurant to accommodate the relocation of the Group’s Vincent Street Kitchen + Bar operations,
- a new children’s playground,
- a refurbishment of the Club’s bars and gaming facilities,
- the addition of 58 car parking spaces, and
- increased employment opportunities for local hospitality workers.
The Group has been working closely with Cessnock City Council and other relevant stakeholders to ensure that the project meets all the planning and environmental requirements and standards.
“Pending DA approval, work is expected to commence in early 2025 and be fully completed around early 2026,” Mr Cousins said. “The Group will ensure that the construction process will cause minimal disruption and inconvenience to members, and that the Club will remain operational throughout the duration of the project.
“We are excited and proud to embark on this ambitious and visionary project, which will make a significant contribution to Cessnock’s social infrastructure for many years to come.”
For more information about the project, including a concept presentation and video flythrough, visit www.CessnockLeagues.com.au/Redevelopment.